Start the New Year Right
We all know that first impressions count and you only get one first impression so here's some tips to apply starting now.
1. Clean out the clutter. The best thing, and the easiest thing, you can do to improve your workplace is to clean up the clutter. Throw it away or put it away. Somewhere under all those papers and files there's a desk and you might want to clean it too while you're at it. The rule of thumb is that you should never touch a piece of paper more than once and if you follow that rule you can prevent the clutter from stacking up in the future but for now, go through everything on your desk top and clear it out. Do something with it. Process it, file it, or read it and throw it away. New clients will be impressed and old clients will be amazed.
2. Now that your desk is cleared of the clutter, look it over. The second rule of thumb is that if there is anything on your desk that you don't use every day, then put it somewhere else. Sometimes too much "stuff" is what makes the clutter. Okay, now move around your office and ask yourself the same question about the furniture and furnishings. Sometimes less is more. Less furniture and furnishings can mean more space and room and that clear space can actually enhance your peace of mind.
3. Move the furniture. It's probably been sitting in the same spot for years and that spot is probably up against the wall. Think about the President's Oval Office. Nothing is up against the wall. The desk is set out. There's a sitting area in the middle of the room. There's room to walk around every piece of furniture in the room and you know what? The room actually looks bigger because of it. You can do the same thing for your own office too. You don't need new furniture and probably not even more furniture. You just need to have it in the right spots. Old spots can be a sign of a stagnating mind and maybe a stagnating business too.
4. Use comfortable and relaxing furniture for visitors. To help put clients at ease, always have a small table and a comfortable armchair in the room, maybe two. And they don't have to be leather covered with all those brass tacks down the edges and seams. Those pieces loudly say "I cost money and you're going to pay for sitting on me." That may not be the best message to send in a time of a bad economy.
5. Check your lighting. One of the easiest things you can do yourself to freshen up an office is to make sure your rooms are well lit. The rule of thumb is a minimum of 100 watts for every 50 feet. Quite often offices have too few lights or too low wattage in them. And an all too often overlooked item is the dirty light switch plate. They get dirty over time and if they can't be quickly and easily cleaned, get a screwdriver and some new ones and just replace them. It's dirt cheap to do and it gets rid of the dirt.
6. Get new art on the walls. A lot of offices have "the usual" sort of office art hung at the same height all around the place. Doing that can actually make the art less noticeable. Get out of the rut. First select art that your clients might like to look at, not just art that you want because you happen to be the one that likes it. Next, hang the art so it "fits" the room and the furniture in it. If you're a guy, you probably have no idea what I mean so go ask your wife. Or, you could ask an interior decorator to stop by (you might even have one for a client if you're lucky) and help you out with some ideas. Some furniture stores will even give you their decorator's time for free or if you buy a chair and some art to hang. It's well worth it and you don't have to spend a fortune.
The start of the year is a good time to freshen up the appearance of your office. While you're at it, take a look at your hourly rate too. It's a good idea to consider your numbers once a year too. But that's another story.
Bankrolling Cases Can Bust You
Same for costs advanced that don't get paid back to you on time. Whether it's fees or costs advanced, it's still money out of your pocket at a time when the Law Firm can least afford it.
Problems with clients who don't pay their bills on time can be avoided.
Start with a clear attorney-fee agreement or engagement letter. Make sure the client understands what will happen when the fee bill is not paid, right from the start. Then don't let the billing pile up unpaid. Take prompt steps to collect what is owed for your fees. Don't just send the bill out and hope. Hope is nice, but it won't pay your salary.
One way to speed up the process is to e-bill your clients via email and offer credit card payment arrangements. Most firms give 15 to 30 days to pay a bill and adding a week for the mailman delivery only weakens your Law Firm's cash flow. Get the bill delivered faster and you'll get it paid faster.
But if the bill is not paid on time, follow up during the next 30 days when overdue with email or mailed reminders or perhaps even a phone call. If there is no payment within 60 days of sending it out, consider notifying the client that you will withdraw from representation if the bill is not paid within 7 or 10 days. And if it is not paid, withdraw.
If you don't insist on prompt bill payment, you become just another bill that's easy to ignore.
A close working relationship with the client is key to prompt bill payment too. Clients need to be told that the attorney-client relationship requires client assistance too and that includes prompt payment of the fee bill. Otherwise, the Law Firm is making a loan to the client (quite literally) by allowing the fee bill to go unpaid.
Yes, lawyering is a profession. But don't forget that a Law Firm is a business too and if you don't treat it like one, no one else will.
Smart Business Updates
The email update is written in plain English for business people that just want to get the story quickly and simply and accurately. And much of what they write about can help you figure out how to run your law practice better and more profitably.
Here's some recent article titles, for instance:
Just-in-time strategy for a turbulent world
Creative destruction and the financial crisis
The adaptable corporation
You can see from the titles alone (and there's a whole lot more of them) the possibilities for your firm's strategic marketing planning. This is a free resource that helps you think, and in this marketplace, that can be critical.
You can get the RSS feed link here: http://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/rss
Free Practice Help

Need help with your law practice but can't afford to hire a team of business experts? There are a number of free sources, some from the most surprising places. Here's one.
The Leading Edge is the name of an international professional association of independently owned accounting and consulting firms. It's also the name of their thin but highly informative (and free) quarterly magazine. Each issue has at least one very good article on a timely topic that even a lawyer can find extraordinarily useful. Take the Fall 2008 issue.
There is a terrific article on surviving an economic downturn titled "Sculpt your business to survive and thrive." It discusses both what to do and, more importantly, what not to do when the economy goes sour.
The author, Editor Ann Gynn, points out that all too often companies begin setting up lines of credit when they find they need more money. Bad timing. Granted you may not have much choice, but you really need to be planning for the future and not just reacting to the present crisis. Gynn makes a numer of other great points in her article and she's worth checking out because she's written a number of other business articles that are equally good, but let's get back to that line of credit info and you'll see why timing matters.
It's easier to get a line of credit when the economy is going good and you don't really need the money. Might not make sense, but it's true. Then, when things get tight, your credit line is already set up and you can access it immediately instead of having to wait days or weeks or longer for approval, allthewhile being kept in suspense on whether or not it'll be approved and how much the credit line will be for too. It's often also easier to get an unsecured credit line set up when things are going good and your needs are minimal.
But wait, don't just set it up and ignore it. Use it.
The best way to increase your credit line is to use it. But the key is to pay it back timely too. On time and on term. That way you begin to build up a track record of creditworthiness that is obvious and helpful for future needs.
Check with your accountant and see if they are part of the the Leading Edge Alliance and get on the subscription list. You can also email them direct by clicking here. You can also email jsuter@bradyware.com for a free subscription.
The last quarter's issue is available online by clicking here. It's got a good article on negotiating too.
Outsourcing Ain't Easy for Lawyers

Seems like every couple of weeks attorneys get emails from offshore companies interested in taking on US legal work and research at low cost to the US attorney. Tempting on costs, but confusing on ethics.
Now the ABA Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility has given some guidance by releasing Formal Opinion 08-451, Lawyer's Obligations When Outsourcing Legal and Nonlegal Support Services.
Nothing is inherently illegal or unethical about outsourcing but an attorney has an obligation to provide competent legal services for their client under Rule 1.1 of the ABA Model Rules and an obligation to properly supervise lawyers and nonlawyers under Rule 5.1.
In considering the outsourcing issue, the ABA decision notes that the client's attorney is obligated to make resonable efforts to ensure that the outsource lawyer conforms to the Rules of Professional Conduct and that the outsource lawyer's conduct conforms with the lawyer's professional obligations to his client and, notably, that these provisions apply even when the outsource person, lawyer or not, is directly affiliated with the hiring lawyer's firm.
To deal with the issue, the ABA Standing Committee made some outsourcing conduct recommendations:
1. conduct background checks of the outsource entity and its lawyer and nonlawyer staff
2. interview the lawyers involved to determine their educational background
3. when working with an intermediary, check on its hiring practices to determine the character of the employees who might have access to client data
4. investigate the security measures at the provider's premises, including computer network and disposal systems
5. it may even be prudent to conduct a site visit to get an impression of the professionalism of the lawyers and nonlawyers involved
6. if the outsource lawyer is in a foreign country, the local attorney should ascertain if the legal training in that country is comparable to US training, if ethical principles differ, and if the foreign country has an effective professional discipline system
The ABA Committee noted that if these steps aren't taken the attorney can still outsource the work but there will be a "heightened duty to scrutinize the work produced" for the client.
Other things need to be thought about too, though, including the possibility that confidential client information may be disclosed or seized in locally foreign court proceedings in the outsourced country.
So, it's obviously a little harder and riskier to use outsourced legal services, especially from a foreign source, but not impossible if done right. But, what about the client? Does the attorney have an obligation to tell the client?
In a previous decision back in 1988, the ABA had said that the working relationship with temporary or contract lawyers who were closely supervised by the firm did not have to be disclosed to the client. Now, however, the ABA Committee says that of the outsourcing's typically "tenous" relationship between the local lawyer and the outsourced lawyer, most of the time the client will have to be informed. Just as important, under Rule 1.6 confidential information still can not be disclosed to the outsourced lawyer without client consent.
Here's some outsourcing tips and suggestions for the US attorney to keep in mind:
1. don't outsource legal work without a confidentiality agreement in place to prevent wrongful disclosure of confidential client information
2. check with the outsourced lawyer for any conflict of interest
3. get client consent to outsource the work
4. either don't mark up the cost of the outsource work or get client consent to a reasonable markup that is related to overhead or other tangibly related firm costs
5. have a written agreement with the client on what outsource costs will be passed on to the client and at what rates
6. don't try to make a profit on the outsourced work cost being passed on to the client
Even with all of that, you still have to be careful of Rule 5.5's admonition not to assist in the unauthorized practice of law.
This whole outsourcing thing is fraught with danger so be cautious first and be careful later and be concerned at all times.
Helping attorneys help clients and win cases since 1978.
Lawyer Emyth Tips
Gerber’s book has become a staple of the business world and is a remarkable analysis of why some businesses succeed and others fail — and what you can do to make sure your own business is in the former category and not the latter. While his book discusses concepts applicable to any business, some of them may require a small amount of tweaking to better fit the business of lawyering but they do fit.
If you have not read The E Myth Revisited, then you should because it’s well worth the small cost. Learning its lessons can make you money and save you money in your law practice. One of his points is that you need a business development plan. True.
A good business development process emphasizes “development.” The long-term goal of every business owner is to build their business up to the point where they can step down from it, either by sale or semi-retirement, etc. That takes long-term thinking about how to build the business.
Merely showing up and doing the work will only get you from the beginning of each day to its end. That is only working “in” your business and not working “on” your business. And merely showing up to do the work has nothing to do with developing your business, no matter what the business is about.
You have to plan on developing your business, increasing your client base, and refining your business processes if you want to increase your income stream while decreasing the work effort needed to produce the income stream.
That takes planning and systemization of all your law firm processes so that the practice can run itself with less of your daily involvement in the processes themselves. If you systemize everything then you systemize for your eventual success. But you have to know what you are aiming for if you expect to hit your target.
You can not succeed in any business if you don’t know what the primary aim is for your business. That’s true in all types of businesses.
What is the most important thing that you want others to know about your business? Note that we did not say “about you” because that is not what matters. Your law firm is you. That is why your law firm’s primary aim is all that matters.
Correctly phrased, the question is “what is the most important thing that you want others to know about your law firm?” Whatever it is, that should be the primary aim of your law business. Figure it out and let others in your law business know what it is.
Figuring it out involves asking some fundamental questions:
- what kind of law do you want to practice?
- how many hours a day do you want to work? How many days a week?
- what do you want your life to look like right now or in the coming years?
- what do you want to do on a day to day basis?
- what do you want other people to think about you?
- what do you want to be doing two years from now? Five years?
- where do you want to live? How do you want to live?
- how much money do you need to do those things?
- how much money will you need when you stop doing those things?
Just as in archery, you have to know where your target is if you expect to hit it. But always recognize that your primary aim can change over time. And that was never truer than in these difficult economic times.
Plan for your business and you plan for your success. Determine what you want people to say about your law firm and you know your firm's primary aim. Then focus on it for even more success.
And somewhere along the way, get a copy of Gerber's book and read it. Then figure out how to apply it to your daily practice.
Procrastination Can Kill Your Case
To put it another way, procrastination can kill a good case. There's a lot of advantage to being proactive in litigating your case, but carefully and effectively so.
From new client intake to closing the file, a smart trial attorney is always planning for the next step, the next stage. If you devote some time and thought to planning early, there's less risk of getting caught by surprise. Starting at the beginning you should be planning what discovery you will need to do and in what order. Carefully rank the priority of your discovery and plot the sequence of it. Determine what discovery is really necessary and what can wait or even be ignored, based on the pro and con of each discovery effort or tool available. Pick low priority discovery and deliberately hold that back for use in response to your adversary's unexpected surprise move, if one comes. And if it doesn't come then it won't matter anyway.
But when you are caught by surprise, you are often better off by taking a quick and decisive response rather than dwelling on issues and plotting a response. That's why advance planning and ranking of the priority of your case flow can be extraordinarily useful.
A strong and quick response is seldom what your adversary is expecting when they deliver a strategic blow that they are counting on as a surprise. It has the advantage of confusing your adversary by making them think that perhaps their surprise move was not so much of a surprise after all. It can also make them think you have been waiting for them to make that move so that you could respond with your planned move which, of course, can have the double benefit of making your adversary wonder what's next?
There's a lot of advantage in being unpredictable in your litigation.
Of course, one could also argue that a bad plan is better than no plan at all too. Doing nothing is often worse than making the wrong move in the litigation chess match.
So, let's translate.
When you get paper discovery that you weren't expecting, consider firing something back that is equally unexpected by your adversary. When you are notified of a last minute new witness as your trial nears, quickly decide on a response and stick to it. Motion in limine? Quickly serving paper discovery or noticing up a discovery deposition, even though the discovery deadline has expired? Strategically ignoring it? Identifying a new fact witness of your own?
But don't overlook the value of strategically doing nothing in the face of an aggressive adversary. There is tremendous value in creating the uncertainty of a non-response or low key response. It exudes self-confidence. You can outwardly appear unflappable while inwardly seething with controlled anger. It is true what the deodorant commercials used to say: never let them see you sweat.
Whatever your response may be, hopefully you had it planned in advance and are able to quickly react when you need to. Procrastinating by failing to do advance planning in your case now can mean losing your case later. And no one likes losing.
20 Questions to Ask in Preparing for Settlement Conferences

Referring Cases the Right Way

A distant attorney wanted me to look over a case that he thought was beyond his area of experteise but the way he did it was nicely done and there's a valuable lesson to be learned here for all of us who sometimes refer cases to other attorneys (and we all do sooner or later) and want to get the most out of it.
First, he called before sending it and spent no more than a minute laying his groundwork. Not much more than who he was, what he did and why he wanted my help, the basic facts of what he wanted to refer, and that he'd be mailing it out since it was not time sensitive. Short. Brief. To the point. But the personal touch of the phone call (before the mailing) was a smart and thoughtful move. Much, much better than just dropping something in the mail or pushing a button on the fax machine.
Then the package arrived a few days later and I was even more impressed.
He could have just copied all the docs involved, stuck them in the envelope, and let me figure it out myself. Wisely, he didn't. He scanned all the relevant docs into pdf format and then loaded them all on a SanDisk Cruzer usb memory stick and put it in an envelope with a nicely written one page cover letter and a one page summary of each each that he wanted my thoughts on.
Putting the scanned docs on a usb memory stick was a clever touch. It certainly picques one's interest. And that's what you need to do when you want someone to give you (and your client) some of their time for free. And remember that making a good referral helps your client out, is an opportunity to help others learn about you, and helps you build your own business at the same time.
But you can make the referral in a way that enhances your client's chances of getting the best representation possible and, at the same time, enhances the chances that the receiving attorney will look for chances to refer cases back to you too.
The key here was that the referring attorney did not just put the scanned docs on any old usb memory stick. No, he put them on a Cruzer and noted in the cover letter that I should feel free to keep the Cruzer usb stick after reviewing the docs. It didn't cost much, and it was a terrific move.
For those who don't know, the Cruzer is SanDisk's clever usb memory stick that comes in various sizes and has the ability to load programs and other "self-starting" programs on it such that people who use it don't need to have the programs that your data is in just to read or pull up the data. I've used a Cruzer for several months now and love it (I'm not getting paid for this either). But this isn't a commercial for the Cruzer (you can click here to see and read more about it).
The point of it is that this attorney was wise enough to realize that, first, his client needed more advanced help in a specific area of law than he was comfortable with. Second, he identified who could help his client out (in other words, pick your referral attorney for his or her experience and experteise), and then he went the extra yard to impress that attorney with his-her professionalism and brevity (admit it, none of us really enjoy reading another attorney's multi-page letter) and then tossed in an extra bonus (here the Cruzer stick).
If you want to be noticed, if you want your referral letter to go to the top of the stack of incoming mail, that's the way you do it. Smart. Real smart.
Staying Current with NLRG's Free Newsletter
This blog might sound a little bubbly as you read thru it, but they aren't paying me anything for what I'm going to say here and you can only take it as one lawyer's opinion.
A great free source that we've read for years is the National Legal Research Group's "The Lawletter" publication (click here for link). It's a concise 4 page read with each page usually only having one article, each page a different topic or area of law, and always authored by one of their researchers, 40 of whom are full time attorneys. We've used NLRG on special assignments before too, so we know from experience that they have great research and writing skills. They've put those skills to work in The Lawletter and it shows.
The Lawletter topics are always current and the articles always very readable and very usable for attorneys wanting to know something outside of what they already know.
At least once every issue or two we'll spot an article that deals with an issue we currently are either facing or expecting to come up in a pending case file. That tells us that NLRG not only writes well, but knows what issues are hot at any given moment.
For instance this month's issue had an article on "Obtaining Testimony from Uncooperative Out-of-State Witnesses" that details, with citations, exactly how to handle that. Did you even know there was something called the Uniform Foreign Depositions Act? Did you know the majority of US states have adopted it? We sure didn't and that can come in handy for any attorney's practice.
Check out the current issue of The Lawletter by clicking here. The info is great and the price is too (it's free).
Free Expert Witness Tips
Flagel, Huber, Flael & Co, www.fhf-cpa.com, distributes a periodic newsletter on Litigation Support that almost always has an article on using an expert witness. Granted much of it is often aimed at using an expert accountant or other similar expertiese, but the general tips are very useful and come in a compact and easy to read format.
The one I just received included articles title "Why proper training and experience are essential in an expert" and "Daubert study highlights expert witness vulnerabilities." Every issue is worth taking the time to read.
And you can't beat the cost. It's free. Their website has a ton of specific types of calculators that are extraordinarily useful too. Check them out by clicking here.
Big Type, Little Brief, But is it Better?
The Virginia Supreme Court, like many other courts, has encouraged lawyers to shorten their briefs (no pun intended) to fewer pages but now they've forced the issue by mandating a larger typeface in all briefs, without changing the maximum page limitations.
Instead of the former 12 point size, the new rule change mandates a 14 point typeface. Heck, even the footnotes have to be in 14 point typeface.
What you used to be able to fit into 25 pages (when you used 12 point typeface) now would take 32 pages.
That means Virginia attorneys will be forced to hone their written arguments to a fine edge and a small word count. Strong arguments will push weaker arguments out of the appeal brief, purely because of the page limitations, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
In front of a jury you might want to argue lots of different points but in front of an appeals court, which routinely gives great deference to trial judges and jury decisions anyway, you are probably better off focusing the court on a few of your strongest arguments and letting the weaker ones go by the wayside.
The downside is that novel and risky arguments will play out less often, even though they are often the arguments that force courts to consider different viewpoints, untried and unproven, that can move the law forward in the best interests of all concerned, and the law itself. A good example is the large, multi-defendant racketeering case that was tried in federal court in Cincinnati over many months in the late 1970's that resulted in several dozen defendants being convicted of several hundred counts of criminal activity. More than a dozen big name defense attorneys fought hard for their clients through the trial and on into the appeal. Amidst it all was a solo practitioner from a rural town who represented one of the small players in the racketeering case. At the court of appeals he was the only one to argue a very novel approach to the law which the court of appeals ultimately agreed with, reversing dozens of the criminal convictions on a legal argument that some of the best minds in criminal law thought was a waste of time.
If that attorney was forced to play by Virginia's new rules, he probably wouldn't have made the novel legal argument that ultimately won. Brevity can be important, sure, but there has to be room for fair argument too. Maybe Virginia has struck a good balance with their new typeface size rule. Only time will tell.
Will other courts follow Virginia's lead? Probably not very quickly. After all, nothing seems to happen quickly in the court system. But it's a start and the odds are that sooner or later it could happen where you are.
Meantime, you're probably better off at the appellate level if you take the Virginia cue now. One thing's for sure: judges will appreciate it and so will their law clerks.
The Value of Professional Assistant Week
In the legal profession, attorneys run into roadblocks constantly and to deal with them you have to have two things: a sense of humor and a great assistant. You can get by with just a sense of humor by itself but you'll go nuts in the process. You have to have the right legal assistant. Period.
For one week out of the year (perhaps thanks to Hallmark?) we get to express our appreciation to those who help us get through every day, and Lord knows they deserve more credit than they ever get. Their contentment and happiness is crucial to your success as an attorney.
Your assistant is the interface between your clients and yourself. Clients will not feel appreciated and pleased if your assistant just doesn't "click" right with them in every call, every interaction. It may be hard for many attorneys to realize how critically important it is to have a great assistant, but it's a fact of business.
Think about the last time you went to a restaurant and how the whole experience was affected by the interaction of each person along the way --- and you never even met the chef or the owner! It's a fact. If the waitress/waiter is not attentive and helpful, friendly and cheerful, it will affect the whole experience and your opinion of the restaurant itself will suffer. It's the same thing with your assistant.
Find the right assistant and everything works great. Get the wrong person for the job, and you professional life will be terrible.
So, the moral is make sure you get the right person in the right job, especially your legal assistant. And then pay them good. And then take every opportunity to make sure them realize that you realize just how important they are to you. Start by telling them when the opportunity arises. And then show it when you can. A good assistant doesn't expect to be treated as though they can walk on water, but they do expect to be treated with respect, courtesy, and appreciation.
But that calls for a whole other discussion...so let's talk about Professional Assistant Week. It's time to make sure your assistant knows how appreciated they are.
One of the best ways to make sure your assistant, and every female support staff member, is happy is flowers. While a male assistant might not be appreciative, there is something about flowers that say "thanks" with sincerity to women. For a male assistant, you'll have to come up with something far more specialized to the person.
For our firm, we try to share humor whenever we can, wherever we find it. Sometimes we even get to cause a smile to brighten up someone's day. When you can, that's a great professional assistant gift.
For us, the Burdge Law Team is more than just lawyers. Each of our attorneys has an assistant, and an entire staff, of dedicated professionals who tirelessly work to squash every lemon and make every manufacturer pay for it.
For them, this week is dedicated. Today they each received a beautiful (and humorous) lemon flower arrangement like the one pictured above with the heartfelt thanks of our attorneys and our clients. Our professional assistants work hard every day to help our clients get rid of their lemon car or lemon truck or lemon rv or lemon boat, or deal with another Consumer Law issue. Because of that, a lemon flower arrangement just seemed right. For your law practice, try to find something that works with your "firm theme".
And say "thanks" too. Flowers are nice, but a personal statement of appreciation is worth so very much more to your assistant. They know that you are a very busy professional, so the fact that you took a minute to express your thanks will say more than the words will ever accomplish.
Try it. No, we should have said try it right now.
www. The Law Coach .com
Helping Consumer Law Attorneys Win Cases Since 1978
Click here to see a list of some of the topics we can help you with on your road to success.
How to Write a Letter to a Client
After awhile, letter-writing gets to be automatic but until you get there (and as a reminder even if you are already there), here's some tips on what a client letter should cover, in the order they should appear in the letter.
1. The Why. Tell the client why you are writing (to update them on status of their case or an issue, to ask a question, to provide an answer to a question they asked, to send them documents to review, etc).
2. Just do it. Provide the update, ask the question, give the answer, explain the documents, tell them what you want them to do, etc. Do it.
3. Get a response. If your letter requires a response from the client, tell them how (via email, phone, etc) and when you need their response (a firm deadline). If your letter does not require a response, then say that (so the client doesn't wonder if they are supposed to respond). If a conference with the client is needed, then ask the client to make an in-office or on-phone (say which way you want it to be) appointment to discuss the issue and their resulting response.
4. Explain it. Tell them why or how the immediate inquiry fits into their case at that moment, so they understand why it matters and why it is important to respond.
5. Predict the future. Tell them what will happen next in their case, so they realize that you are working on their case and that you need their response in order to proceed to the next step of the case.
6. Say something good. Use the opportunity to say something positive or provide reinforcement to the client. Your letter may cause concern so your client will appreciate hearing some "good news" in their case, even if it's only your opinion or reassurance that things are proceeding normally as far as you are concerned.
7. Express thanks. Thank the client for their continued patience and assistance and say that if they have any question to let you know and how to contact you (phone, email, etc).
More tips on letter writing:
Generally, your message should be sent in the manner that you expect a response to occur (if you want them to email you, then you use email to send the message, etc). However, always remember that some things require the personal touch of a phone call.
The letter should generally be less than one page or two at the most. Everyone knows that lawyers sometimes like to talk at length. Lawyers often fail to realize that non-lawyers don't like to read (or listen) at length.
If appropriate, a copy of the letter should be put in your follow up tickler system as a reminder for a specific future deadline date.
First-timers need to remember the above. Later, after years of letter writing, you may need to remind yourself again. Good client communications are critical for long-term professional success.
Two Bucks is Worth It

Some things you see are so cheap you can't hardly find a reason not to get them. This is about one of them.
A lot of attorneys still miss the point that the practice of law is a business first and a law practice second. Other attorneys understand that but still have a hard time figuring out how to treat it like a business. One way to start is to begin reading publications that are directed at the business side of your law work because you law work should be about your business.
While in an airport lounge recently I picked up a copy of Business to Business magazine and was surprised to see how much of it was useful to the legal profession. Highlighted articles dealt with a variety of topics that affect a law practice everyday.
"Alive & Well" is an interesting discussion of the policies and politics of health care. If your law firm is concerned about health care costs, and who isn't, then you can get a good dose of health care issues right here. If you aren't at the Delta lounge in Atlanta, you can read (or listen) to it by clicking here.
If you're in charge of hiring, you probably ought to read "The Mellennials Cometh" which is also in the April issue. I learned a thing or two that I'll keep in mind for the next associate hiring and you probably will too.
There's a fascinating article on "The ROI of giving" that talks about the generous return on investment a business can get from charitable donations, a topic discussed a few months back, which deals with stats and studies that show a real benefit to being beneficial.
There's lots more in this issue, and every issue, and it's certainly worth the very modest $24 annual subscription cost. They didn't pay us to write this but, speaking of business to business, maybe they should've.
A Disposable Laptop?
The Asus Eee pc has been getting rave reviews that all seem to start out with the fact that it costs less than $400 but quickly point out that it has a solid state hard drive (no moving parts), a built in camera and Wi-Fi and comes loaded with a decent set of 40 basic programs that'll get you running right out of the box. And it'll keep you running for over 3 hours on the battery too.
This is one laptop you have to check out. Read the review in PC Today magazine by clicking here at PCToday.com or check the company's website by clicking here.
Handling Abusive Deposition Tactics
We've had lots of depositions where the opposing attorney obstructed and interfered with a smooth orderly deposition before. You can takes years, and dozens of depositions, before you begin to figure out how to deal with some of these people. Or you can check out the Ohio Trial "Abusive Deposition Tactics" article published in the Winter 2008 issue by Ohio Association for Justice.
Authored by attorney Rebecca Castell and attorney Raymond Tisone, you'll get great examples and tips, with lots of references to the Civil Rules. If you haven't seen it, go online here to find out how to join OAJ and get a copy. The OAJ membership cost is worth it just to get a copy of this article alone.
The topic is similar to Salt Lake City attorney Robert Sykes' article in The Utah Trial Lawyers Association, December 4, 2003 title "Abusive Deposition Objections: How To Ethically Even the Playing Field" which is another good article on this topic.
A classic example of "lawyers gone wild" appears on YouTube here. If you haven't seen the off-screen fight between two lawyers, and the hapless witness caught in between, it's worth a look. It's a great example of what not to do.
If you've been lucky and have not had to deal with an opposing counsel who abuses the deposition process, then now is a good time to read the OAJ article. You don't want to be reading it later and mumbling to yourself "so that's what I should have done."
Ohio Attorney General e-Newsletter on Consumer Law

Attorney General Dann has started a monthly "e-newsletter" that will bring the latest updates on consumer laws, fraud alerts, and prevention tips to your email inbox. Each issue promises to provide links to more in-depth resources to help advocates protect consumers and their clients.
Among recent articles was a list of the Top 10 consumer complaints, showing auto issues at the top spot, followed by credit issues, and more. That list will certainly tell you the heartbeat (or heart ache) on the street. Most people don't know that a more detailed explanation of the Top 10 and other AG office activities can be found in the annual AG Office's report (click here for the 2007 Report).
Tips for online shopping were noted and a nice article on the problems of Tax Refund Anticipation Loans, which is perhaps one of the more clever ways to get into consumer's wallet without all the usual appearances of a ripoff.
If you're a consumer advocate, this free newsletter is for you. It's off to a great start and I strongly recommend you sign up for it. It'll keep you up to date and, best of all, it's free.
You can subscribe by sending an email to ConsumerEnewsletter@ag.state.oh.us or by just telephoning them at 1.877.AG4Ohio.
Teaching Consumer Law Conference in Houston May 23

More than 30 experts from around the world will converge in Houston on May 23rd and 24th, 2008 to discuss issues of importance to any consumer law professor at an international conference entitled "Teaching Consumer Law -- The Who, What, Where, Why, When and How."
The conference gathers participants to examine issues such as: what materials should be used in teaching consumer law; alternative teaching methods; new developments in consumer law; innovative ways to look at traditional consumer problems; global approaches to consumer regulation; and methods and teaching issues related to how consumers can collect attorneys fees.
The Law Coach, Ron Burdge, will be one of the speakers, discussing attorneys fees issues with Pennsylvania attorney Cary Flitter.
The conference is hosted by the University of Houston School of Law (the best Consumer Law-oriented law school in the country, without a doubt) in cooperation with the National Association of Consumer Advocates (the nation's foremost professional association for consumer advocates), and underwritten by a staunch friend of Consumer Law, Moriarty Leyendecker Erben, P.C.
This conference provides all participants with the opportunity to polish their techniques and skills in teaching tomorrows attorneys important Consumer Law topics. Along with the conference discussion, attendees get a special bonus: conference participants are invited to watch the Houston Astros play the Philadelphia Phillies. Even without the ball game, this international Conference on Teaching Consumer Law would be worth the very modest registration cost. With it, it's a bargain. We hope to see you there.
Click here for more information and a registration form or you can call Professor Richard Alderman at 713-743-2165 for details.
Helping Consumers, and Consumer Law Attorneys, Win Cases Since 1978
What Judges Really Think

Bryan Garner is one of the best speakers around when it comes to understanding how to write briefs and how to make an impressive oral argument. Not just the mechanics, mind you, but the practical side of the process too. Now, he's gone one better.
If you ever get the chance, go to one of his seminars. There's no one better on the subjects he discusses. But, have you ever wondered what judges really think about appellate briefs and arguments they see and hear?
Well, there's only one US Supreme Court and what they think is probably not a lot different from what other appellate judges and state supreme court judges think. Now you can find out. Better yet, you can watch them voice their opinions.
Garner conducted a series of video interviews with 8 of the 9 US Supreme Court Justices and has posted the eight videos on the web site of LawProse where you can watch the Justices tell their thoughts on what is good and what is bad about the briefs and arguments they see and hear.
The pet peeves you hear the Justices talk about are surprising and run the gamut of all things meaningful and otherwise. Take the time to watch and learn. It's well worth it. And you can't beat the price.
www. The Law Coach .com
Helping Consumers, and Consumer Law Attorneys Win Cases Since 1978
Rent-a-desk Lawyering

In these days of outsourcing, it's no wonder that even legal work is being farmed out to off shore "legal help" companies who provide part time and single job work by foreign workers trained in US law. Well, with that happening, it's no surprise that some firms are now looking for other ways to cut costs but keep using their current associate-level lawyer personnel.
One way was found by Canadian law firm Thackray Burgess that decided they didn't need lawyer associates anymore. Instead they just rented out desk space to them and cut them loose, sort of, and renamed them as Consultants. The associates, errrr, consultants, do as much work (or as little) as they want, setting their own hours and even working from home if they want.
The idea certainly has some appeal for the right circumstances. The Firm rents a desk to a lawyer but they don't work for the Firm. Instead, they do piecemeal work for the Firm (and get paid for it) or do work which they have generated on their own (and for which the Firm gets paid a cut of the fees). It's not much different from the kind of business real estate leasing where a business rents a location and pays a base rent (the desk) plus a percentage of the business generated from that location (the cut of other non-Firm-generated fees).
But is it good for you? That depends on which end of the equation you are on and what the terms are, but it certainly could be. Lawyers who want to work but want to balance that workload with a more fulfilling home life may find it a very attractive alternative to the grind that the "partner" path seems to be. And law firms that are looking to cut costs, while providing a different kind oand perhaps more satisfying working relationship, may find this approach suits them perfectly.
And with the glut of new lawyers, Rent-a-desk Lawyering just might be the best answer to the unemployment line blues that can await the new grads who can't find a full time job.
Helping Attorneys Win Cases Since 1978
Getting Recalls Into Evidence

One of the aggravating parts of handling a product defect case is when the government recalls
the very product in your case and the defendant argues that you shouldn't be able to use the recall in evidence to persuade the jury that the product is defective. Aggravating indeed.
Seems like there's lots of recalls on the news nowadays and the mere existence on the news can help people understand both the reality and the prevalence of defective products in our society. But how can you actually get the recall into evidence so the jury in your case can hear about it?
Well, the first rule is to remember that if the recall indicates that a defect was present when the product left the manufacturer then it is relevant in your case. Relevant evidence is just something that makes it more likely, or less likely, that a disputed fact is true. So, does it?
Some judges will want the defect in your case to be the same as the defect in the recall. Others are more liberal about it. Just remember, your argument should focus on the fact that the recall makes it possible that a defect existed in an entire group of products and your case involves one of those products. Take a look at Bailey v Monaco Coach (ND Ga 2004), 350 F.Supp.2d 1036.
And when the defendant argues that the recall is hearsay, don't forget that you can argue that it is actually admissible as an admission by the defendant so it isn't really hearsay at all. Still, you have to know your evidence rules and be ready to quickly cite the rule numbers that apply.
Keep in mind that if a defendant claims its product is safe or the best or carefully designed, etc, you may be able to use the recall as evidence that can impeach the defendant's claim.
Impeachment, direct, rebuttal, hearsay --- whatever. The bottom line is that you need to carefully plot out how you can use recall evidence in your case and be prepared for a tough fight from the defendant. Recall evidence can be crucial to prove the truth of a product's defective nature or history, so don't give up easy.
Helping Consumer Law Attorneys Win Cases Since 1978
Economy Tightens Patience for Legal Services
Clients are getting impatient with the time it takes to get good results. And they can't understand why defendants don't just "do what's right" and settle their case.
Of course the reason is money. It probably has nothing to do with who is right and who is wrong. It has everything to do with holding on to the money for as long as you can.
Defendants are stalling longer than ever before, trying to keep the money in their own pocket for as long as they can. And they are arguing over every nickel and dime like it's someone's eye teeth.
Defense attorneys seem to be practically inventing ways to work their files more, which stalls the file more and builds up more fees, and that costs the plaintiff more. With defense law firms now cutting back and laying off, it's no wonder that the remaining attorneys are looking for ways to pump up their billings.
You'd think their clients would wise up, but then again they appear more willing to pay their lawyers to fight than to pay a plaintiff to settle --- even when it's cheaper to pay to settle. That doesn't make good business sense to us, but apparently it does to them.
And some people wonder why the public disdains the legal profession. Heck, even some lawyers do.
For now, plaintiff's lawyers need to get economically smart in a hurry if they are going to ride out the current economic slump and the settlement slump being cause by defense tactics. Time to watch the billables, income, and expenses very carefully.