More than 30 experts from around the world will converge in Houston on May 23rd and 24th, 2008 to discuss issues of importance to any consumer law professor at an international conference entitled "Teaching Consumer Law -- The Who, What, Where, Why, When and How."
The conference gathers participants to examine issues such as: what materials should be used in teaching consumer law; alternative teaching methods; new developments in consumer law; innovative ways to look at traditional consumer problems; global approaches to consumer regulation; and methods and teaching issues related to how consumers can collect attorneys fees.
The Law Coach, Ron Burdge, will be one of the speakers, discussing attorneys fees issues with Pennsylvania attorney Cary Flitter.
The conference is hosted by the University of Houston School of Law (the best Consumer Law-oriented law school in the country, without a doubt) in cooperation with the National Association of Consumer Advocates (the nation's foremost professional association for consumer advocates), and underwritten by a staunch friend of Consumer Law, Moriarty Leyendecker Erben, P.C.
This conference provides all participants with the opportunity to polish their techniques and skills in teaching tomorrows attorneys important Consumer Law topics. Along with the conference discussion, attendees get a special bonus: conference participants are invited to watch the Houston Astros play the Philadelphia Phillies. Even without the ball game, this international Conference on Teaching Consumer Law would be worth the very modest registration cost. With it, it's a bargain. We hope to see you there.
Click here for more information and a registration form or you can call Professor Richard Alderman at 713-743-2165 for details.
Helping Consumers, and Consumer Law Attorneys, Win Cases Since 1978