
Dragon Dictation for the iPhone is Here

Breaking News ... Dragon has just released an iPhone version of its famous dictation software and just days later (like yesterday) they updated it.

The reviews for it are pouring in and everyone seems to love it. If you use Dragon Dictation on your pc, and you've got an iPhone, this is the app to get.

Not only is Dragon a terrific program with a great track record for excellent dictation/interpretation from voice-to-type, but the iPhone app is FREE. How long it lasts for free no one can tell, so get to the iTunes Store and do a search for "Dragon Dictation" and download it right away.

A quick look-see indicates this is not a crippled, half-baked version, either. For instance if it has trouble with a name spelling, it'll check your contact names for a correction. We'll find out more and write a review of our own in the near future.

But for now folks, this is one app that'll be on the "top 10 app" list for every busy dictating lawyer.

Ron Burdge
Helping lawyers do business, since 1978.